Manifesting vs Manifesting

Ok, I MAY have figured out the two types of manifestation.

Action, action, action, every action creates an equal or opposite reaction.

If you want to manifest. You need to take action. And your action needs to be fully in line with your positive thoughts, your positive feelings, your positive emotions, because the reaction is going to be what it is that you want to get back.

Very simple.

Now for the magical type (or what may seem magical) of manifestations: Every action creates a reaction. And so you may be taking subconscious actions, creating good karma, around what you’re doing on a day to day life. Those actions are going to create a “magical” unexpected reaction.

So take action every day, and make sure that your energy, your frequency is at the highest level possible.

We are manifestors, we are creators. We are super beings that create their own reality.

Einstein said:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you wish to have, and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”