Who Am I

One night in 2012, I went through a profound (and what at the time seemed like a traumatic) life-changing experience. I was in my apartment in Potts Point, Sydney, Australia where I spontaneously shot out of my forehead and I found myself in my bedroom outside of my physical body.

There was so much going through my head at that moment, not least of which were questions of wonder, fear and bewilderment, but very strongly, there were questions of anger. Growing up in a Catholic family who attended church religiously, I didn’t understand why I had never heard of the prospects that one could even travel outside of their body. Apparently yogi’s had been doing it for centuries, but I had not even come close to these studies myself yet. This kick-started my research, and I never could imagine all that I would eventually find. Wonderland.
Since then, one of the biggest topics I have come to learn, and am still learning, is about Universal Laws. Our earthly 3rd dimension is governed by those universal laws, and it’s the laws of cause and affect and the law of returns tells us, the more that we give, the more we get back (good and bad).
Growing up, I wish I had the mentors to mentor me and the coaches to coach me, which I am lucky enough to have today. Mentorship is such a very important thing to me, and that’s why I’ve decided to start putting out content, just to pass along what I have come to know up to now; and I’ll continue to do so from here. (I’m basically reaching out to my younger self on a quantum timeline.)
I’m Peter Luis Venero, and I was at my lowest point in my life just leading up to 2012. I was fresh out of my third significant relationship because I had to find “myself”, which I wasn’t able to do because I was constantly in relationships. Funny enough, I didn’t realise that I didn’t have to go far to find “myself”, the I Am presence has always been within me, but more on that later…
What brought me to that path initially though, was that being a relatively empathic person, I didn’t understand why there was so much suffering in the world — e.g. homelessness, destitution, addiction and mental health issues, many which later I discovered were related, and it got to me. I didn’t understand why our nations could afford to go to war, yet they couldn’t afford to keep our own people off the streets. That really disturbed me.
That said, I never had a strong relationship with myself or with my higher self to truly discover these big questions – however, in 2012 that all changed.
I went through such a massive transformation because I asked the question of what is the purpose and meaning of life is, and my higher self showed me. “Ask and ye shall receive”. That is legit.

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