Welcome to the website of Peter Luis Venero! The first time I ever had a website was when I was just learning to code back circa 1994. I was so excited when America Online debuted in the United States. My very first website was hosted on a now defunct website called GeoCities. Back then, it was all just for fun.
So who am I, and why do I need my very own website and blog?
This site is a collection of works based on research compiled by myself from new thinking pieces to videos, eventually ebooks and perhaps other things of all that I\’d like to share with those who take an interest.
I’m not an official writer, storyteller or content producer by trade. I simply wish to share the goodness (and sometimes the badness that comes with the goodness) that I come across from time to time. At this moment in time there is a significant purge of information (both truths and untruths) from big tech platforms. I will still be sharing my information around the web, but I will be centralising the source information from this official website. With that being said, read my warning about ICANN.