Peter Luis Venero

The other day, I actually saw someone post their University Diploma for sale on Twitter. 😬

Now of course they were most likely just being facetious out of frustration. But how many kids have been duped into going to college when they weren’t studying a specialized field such as medicine or legal, only to get smacked with a $100k debt burden and no real meaningful opportunity to pursue to pay it …

The other day, I actually saw someone post their University Diploma for sale on Twitter. 😬 Read More »

Allow me to reintroduce myself with a proclamation…

I’m a systems designer, an online technologist by trade, digital marketer and life mission amplifier, powered by technology, science, and spirit. I’ve been mostly silent on what I’ve been working on over the last couple of years. Last month I mentioned at Creatiq we’re working on our first DAO project (DAO stands for Decentralised Autonomous …

Allow me to reintroduce myself with a proclamation… Read More »

Researching The Technocracy

Here’s Why COVID Exists

If you’re wondering why a virus was unleashed onto the unsuspecting public; If you’re wondering why the heavy-handedness by alleged government; If you’re wondering why Australians are told not to speak to their neighbours; look no further than recent history: Remember in 2012 when the Vatican was caught receiving funds for trafficking via HSBC? Former …

Here’s Why COVID Exists Read More »

Researching The Technocracy

Bottom Line: Compilation of Cases of Alleged Vaccine Being The Problem

Board-Certified Pathologist Presents Lab Study Dr. Ryan Cole Board-Certified Pathologist Confirms Drastic Reduction of T-Cells After Alleged Vaccination Funeral Director: The “Vaccine” IS the Variant Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on His Experience of COVID preparations prior to “Pandemic” announcement From The Horses Mouth: FDA Confirms That The Vaccines are Harmful Federal Employee …

Bottom Line: Compilation of Cases of Alleged Vaccine Being The Problem Read More »

The Purpose

Frankly, I’m a concerned person. I always have been. I’m one of those “weird” emapthic people. As early as I’ve known, I was always pouring from an empty cup into the cup of others. Eventually (much later), I got smarter. I filled my own cup, and although my cup could still use a bit more …

The Purpose Read More »

Researching The Technocracy

The Technocracy

It’s just two weeks It’s just a mask It’s just 6 feet It’s just your job It’s just the adults It’s just indoor activities It’s just the schools It’s just a jab It’s just ignoring your neighbours It’s just a 2nd jab It’s just another 8 weeks It’s just a passport It’s just the parks …

The Technocracy Read More »

The B Word

A lawyer here in Australia who’s license was revoked by a corrupted legal body in the State of Victoria, because she’s been blowing the whistle, is calling the alleged vaccines “bioweapons”. I don’t think she’d use that term lightly. She shares a peer reviewed study: Further reading: