Researching The Technocracy

The Technocracy

It’s just two weeks It’s just a mask It’s just 6 feet It’s just your job It’s just the adults It’s just indoor activities It’s just the schools It’s just a jab It’s just ignoring your neighbours It’s just a 2nd jab It’s just another 8 weeks It’s just a passport It’s just the parks […]

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The B Word

A lawyer here in Australia who’s license was revoked by a corrupted legal body in the State of Victoria, because she’s been blowing the whistle, is calling the alleged vaccines “bioweapons”. I don’t think she’d use that term lightly. She shares a peer reviewed study: Further reading:

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The C Word

The missing link between ancient Egypt, Chinas roots, and those pesky Rothschilds.   Remember the FOIA requests? Look what’s up next: FOIA Release: Fauci Funded Construction Of ‘Chimeric Coronaviruses’ In Wuhan Australia is starting to look a lot like a CCP cesspool. Vietnamese refugees packed themselves tightly into tiny boats in their escape from an

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Help Me Understand

How are there alleged vaccines released to the public that are wreaking havoc on bodies:   Peer confirmations on above:   …for an alleged virus that there has yet to be isolated according to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests:   Hypothesis: The only thing that is making sense to me at this stage,

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Green Ammonia Australia

It’s Not Your Fault

When you act honourably, and transparently, you’ll never have to worry about much at all. Our Public Servants are in a massive cluster-fuck today because their superiors have not been transparent, and now our Public Servants are left cleaning up the messes, and creating more in the process because of compounded manipulation from their superiors

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Manifesting vs Manifesting

Ok, I MAY have figured out the two types of manifestation. Action, action, action, every action creates an equal or opposite reaction. If you want to manifest. You need to take action. And your action needs to be fully in line with your positive thoughts, your positive feelings, your positive emotions, because the reaction is

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27 Patents

If you needed more evidence that there’s one of the greatest frauds and racketeering schemes of our time at play, Dr. David Martin has compiled a list of patents that don’t exactly harmonise with the mainstream narrative. Additionally, independent researchers have compiled data points of known players into the elaborate money-making scheme. The “New World

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