The other day, I actually saw someone post their University Diploma for sale on Twitter. 😬

Now of course they were most likely just being facetious out of frustration. But how many kids have been duped into going to college when they weren’t studying a specialized field such as medicine or legal, only to get smacked with a $100k debt burden and no real meaningful opportunity to pursue to pay it

The other day, I actually saw someone post their University Diploma for sale on Twitter. 😬 Read More »

ICANN Warning

ICANN Warning

Overt the last few years, there has been a catastrophic purge of truth (and untruths) content from big tech platforms, especially Facebook and Google. My concern is that the unelected officials of conversation will attempt to purge and hide information and history everywhere possible, and my concern is that websites can be next.   According

ICANN Warning Read More »

Who is Peter Luis Venero

Who is Peter Luis Venero

If there are two types of people that I admire the most as an entrepreneur, it’s coaches and mentors. Without them we’d be blind. I really feel that we kind of have a duty to pass along what we know to generations that are coming after us, if we really truly want a peaceful, more

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An Introduction

Welcome to the website of Peter Luis Venero! The first time I ever had a website was when I was just learning to code back circa 1994. I was so excited when America Online debuted in the United States. My very first website was hosted on a now defunct website called GeoCities. Back then, it

An Introduction Read More »