Help Me Understand

How are there alleged vaccines released to the public that are wreaking havoc on bodies:


Peer confirmations on above:


…for an alleged virus that there has yet to be isolated according to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests:


Hypothesis: The only thing that is making sense to me at this stage, is that COVID is a quantum manifestation via mass psychosis brought on by spell casting and programming by the fake stream media. That’s why they haven’t isolated it and that’s why it spontaneously seems to manifest in isolated places.

Update 2021 Sept 7:

1 thought on “Help Me Understand”

  1. Everything is manifested.

    Exosomes themselves, though, are just the body’s way of ridding itself of toxins.

    They’re both packets of the toxins to be released, and messages to other cells to release more of the similar types of toxins.

    The messages are of the type ‘if you’re sick in X way, then do Y’.

    This has two key results:

    1 – If you’re cells aren’t sick in the way described (or something similar), then your body won’t react to the messages (i.e. you don’t fight off the dis-ease, you simply don’t trigger the disease response in your own body)

    2 – If you’re dis-eased, then receiving these exosomic messages from other people can trigger a response in your own body (which appears like a spreading contagion, but isn’t)

    What we call viruses are recognized as indistinguishable from what we call exosomes … because they ARE exosomes.

    Many people talk about Germ Theory being wrong and Terrain Theory being the right model. This is true, but leaves out the messaging/triggering element of exosomes that can appear a bit like Germ Theory, but isn’t.

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