It’s Almost Time to Pay to Breathe

There’s another storm brewing on the horizon and it\’s called the carbon credit scam. Most of the organizations participating in this scheme are members of the World Economic Forum, an elite-controlled group making decisions that have global effects, yet none of these organizations have been elected to do so. The goal is to monitor, track, and trace every kilogram of CO2 that you emit, and to limit your activity by 800%. How will they accomplish this? Well one of the ways is a plan to introduce a new MasterCard that shows a carbon allowance for every purchase you make. Even food will have a carbon credit score, with vegan options receiving a low score and meat being off the charts. Travel bookings are already displaying carbon pricing, which is already reflected on Google Search.

It\’s time to pressure the current business models of planned-obsolescence from companies such as Apple, Inc, and a trove of World Economic Forum members, and demand quality products that last lifetimes like they used to, to protect the planet, and our own life force. This is not about saving the planet, it\’s about controlling us. Just as they did with the COVID lockdowns, they intend to use carbon as an excuse to lock us down and control every transaction, where we go, what we eat, how we do that, with no end in sight.

Newly uncovered research by censored scientists such as Gregg Braden reveals that the solar system has gone through heating and cooling periods for thousands of years. This means that the climate has always been changing, and the solar system revolves in cycles of cooling and heating periods, and it has done so for eons. While we need to mind our carbon footprint, it is insanity to have humans be taxed with credits just for breathing. Humans breathe oxygen and exhale carbon. Taxing the breath of humans, which trees benefit from is insane.

The solution is not to wait for the government to take action, or corporations who masquerade as government to end their narcissistic ways, but for us to take action ourselves. We need more private lifestyle innovation, more private transportation, restaurant and food production, technology, communications, and most importantly, like-minded communities. It\’s time for us to take control of our own lives and create a world that works for us, not the ego-lead oligarchy.

Conscious Crusaders, let\’s come together and take action to prevent this carbon credit scam from controlling our lives. Let\’s create a world where we can live and thrive, without the fear of being tracked and controlled. The power is in our hands, let\’s use it wisely.

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