It’s Not Your Fault

When you act honourably, and transparently, you’ll never have to worry about much at all.

Our Public Servants are in a massive cluster-fuck today because their superiors have not been transparent, and now our Public Servants are left cleaning up the messes, and creating more in the process because of compounded manipulation from their superiors who have acted dishonourably.

My message to the wonderful Public Servants who are upholding their oath to serve and protect the population:

This is not your fault. THEY have failed YOU.

They have neglected to inform you about Common Law (keeping you from your own rights).
They have neglected to inform you about Contract Law (putting you at risk as their ground crew).
They have neglected to inform you about Informed Consent.
They have neglected to inform you about their true intentions.

✅ You served with trust.
✅ You served with honour.
✅ You served with integrity.
Now, I hope you take your rightful place in defending your fellow Australians by not accepting global dictatorial directives from shadowy individuals that go against the oath that you have sworn; and for those Public Servants who continue to use acts of oppression with any undue force at anytime and dishonour your oath, you are herby put on Notice on this Public platform
🚫 I do not consent to a global dictatorship.
🚫 I do not consent to a technocracy.
🚫 I do not consent to being injected and ruled over like livestock.
I give my utmost respect to this Australian Lawyer in this video, who has served Notice to the Federal Authorities regarding his team’s investigations and findings. May there be many more like him. 👏

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