Deception, Gaslighting and Cults – Oh my!

There’s a lot of divide and conquer psychological operations at play both online and off. If at anytime anyone, no matter who it is, attempts to turn you against yourself (gas lighting), your family or your friends, I strongly advise that you question that person before taking any other action, and then simply decide on what to do yourself. Cult leaders and those with narcissistic behaviours will do whatever they can to manipulate you into doing what they want, and if they can’t get you to do it, they will then work around you via your friends, family and associates. Authentic leaders bring people together to achieve a common goal. Cult leaders and individuals with narcissistic disorders divide, conquer, destroy things around them, and then they destroy themselves. Give them love. Sending you much love and healing through these great times of change. There’s so much more to come!

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