Welcome to PLV\’s Blog, a space to explore new perspectives for my change-maker colleagues of the future. I question the current status quo, and explore how we can co-create a prosperous Super-Society through purpose-driven innovation. Venture with me as I explore the possibilities of a New Earth paradigm.
UPDATE: As a plethora of events are imminent, from the Hillary Clinton trials in September 2020, to Ghislaine Maxwell investigations, and Prince Andrew summons with regard to the Epstein case, we invite you to watch Lies, Coverups, Google, Censorship, and the Whistleblower of the Year: Zach Vorhies Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Remember Wokepreneurs, the only way to bring about sustainable solutions to systemic problems is to get to the root of the issues.
I’m excited to be in touch with you all because all of this is a long-time coming. The reason why I’m writing directly to you is because you are an entrepreneur (or an aspiring one) and not just any — you’re a conscious entrepreneur, one that is more aware than others – a change-maker. You know the world can be a better place, you want to make an impact and some meaningful change, and that’s why this series is for you.
We’re starting the conversation with a piece that opens the dialogue on corporatocracy, as it’s worth considering how corporates may be just one root of the problems within our society when it comes to our mental health, wellness, environmental and even wealth inequality issues (and a few more).
We’ll explore the costs associated with how much an individual is willing to surrender their consciousness via trust in corporations and their products. We’ll explore the unknown risk of a corporation’s worldview versus thinking for ourselves, and in future pieces, we’ll paint a picture of what it could be like for us as individuals to exist without some of them. Can we be our own leaders in an effort to create a Super-Society? Can all individuals truly thrive in a Super-Society? Can current external leaders such as political middlemen be reorganised into true value-producers themselves? Let’s do some NEW Thinking as a WokePrenuer!
Imagine a society where individuals are able to not only easily discover their passions, but also create a lifestyle out of them (their true purpose). A lifestyle that would allow every individual who wanted to – to thrive and prosper financially, and in every other way. If every single person on our planet was given the opportunity to do so, combined with the infinite number of passions that could exist, aligned with alleviating a need or problem in the world simultaneously, could it not be possible that every potential world or humanitarian problem or crisis that could exist, might simply one day disappear? Could there be an opportunity for ceaseless innovation to completely eliminate disease, and even ageing?
Currently we exist in a society where our public schools are formed around creating workers to work within the the system, as opposed to creating free-thinking, creative-driven problem-solvers. Students of the public schooling system in America are some of the most disadvantaged, as their curriculum is more commonly structured on the basis of what to think, and less about how-to think. Some argue that this style of education is more of an indoctrination as opposed to a proper education. Could this have been what’s helped to pave the way for the corporatocracy we live in today?
How many of us have actually ever really questioned the way we think? How do we form thought? How do we form opinion? Here’s the thing: as obvious as it may sound, the dangers of not thinking for ourselves can be simply put: tragic. Now I’m not talking Amy Schumer train wreck tragic; I’m talking detrimental to one’s mental health tragic — particularly when one gives up their thinking to someone else (or some thing else).
A few Fridays ago, my significant other and I rented a movie on Netflix called ‘I Am Mother’. It was a movie about a teenage girl who is raised underground by a kindly robot, “Mother”, who was designed to repopulate the earth following the extinction of mankind. But things become complicated when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news.
This cute, albeit, naïve, little girl (“Daughter”) gets fooled into thinking that an AI robot has her best interest at heart. Little does she know, the AI itself has instead been plotting for the best interest of humanity — not for Daughter’s.
Well, cut back to reality and it doesn’t seem like this plot is that far out of the realms of possibility. Let’s think critically about this: look at the advancement of artificial intelligence and robots just over the last few years alone. Animal robots, selfie drones, robots connected to the blockchain, etc. One day we have Elon Musk sounding the alarms with warnings of potential AI take overs, and the next day we have Elon releasing his Neuralink in a ‘can’t beat, join ‘em’ campaign. (Guess they got to Elon already.)
So depending on whom you ask, has that line in the sand already been drawn?
As an admitted technophile, advocate for (healthful) technology, digital marketer, and business owner – I wholeheartedly admit that I love me some good tech! I love my iPhone; I love the convenience of ordering my Uber ride home after I’ve just paid for the groceries with two clicks and a tap of my gab gadget. We’re almost living like the Jetsons (sans the flying cars and sky homes, but I’m sure Robo-Elon has us covered there). We’re all connected and, as long as the bank balance doesn’t run out, we pretty much have instant gratification on-tap.
That said, running a digital marketing business since 2006 has afforded me decent proximity and relationships to tech companies like Google; and in saying that, I appreciate the good work that Google does, too. For example, by leveraging the power of search data to be able to learn just about anything about the modern world that we like, or how Google search data can help identify and pinpoint a disease outbreak in a remote region of the world. It’s crazy and it’s awesome.
Given that part of my career has always included delivering pretty user interfaces for websites; having particularly high standards for pleasing aesthetics is my own aesthetic. Therefore, I totally appreciate the standards that Google introduces, such as Material Design, Google’s User Interface guidelines. It’s the foundation of beautiful software interfaces like Google Analytics, which many of us digital marketers tap into on the daily.
That being said, Google also has a shadow side, and it ain’t pretty. From a higher perspective, it’s a dark side that is seeming to get the better of them when it comes to certain activities that they have taken the liberty to embark upon at our expense, and which just happen to include us, and decisions made on our behalf.
Furthermore, anyone who knows me well, knows that in addition to sexy tech, I do love solving a good mystery and examining a worthy conspiracy theory. I ain’t shy to admit it! After all, smart people conspire. They conspire to get what they want and to get where they want to get. I happen to theorise that certain people conspire to meet their goals, because that’s what I do. The title “Conspiracy Theorist” is a bit of a dirty one, and I can’t help but chuckle at the ones who use it as a means to discredit some one or some thing. The joke is on them! (Don’t worry, I still love you.)
Justifications aside, in 2016 leading up to, what many of us can agree will probably always and forever be the most unforgettable US Presidential race, conspiracy theories were rampant. People were claiming that Google had manipulated its search algorithm, and this theory of their skewing results became such a significant topic that Google finally released a statement denying this allegation.
Meanwhile, Jeff Hancock, Danaë Metaxa-Kakavouli and Joon Park of The Guardian explained that it would be difficult to prove whether Google is manipulating search rankings.
They also concluded with studies that suggested search engines, rather than providing a neutral way to find information, could actually play a major role in shaping public opinion on political issues and candidates.
Well, allow me to finally get to my point, which is this: the next PR nightmare for Google continues to unfold, as conspiracy theories were proven conspiracy fact via infamous guerrilla journalists over at Project Veritas (PV), and more recently, the sun-surfing, Democratic Presidential hopeful, and newest anti-establishment starlet, Tulsi Gabbard.
For starters, the founders of Project Veritas have evidently proven the fact that Google has indeed had inappropriate relations with their search engine, told via a surprise hidden camera, that captured Google execs confirming said conspiracy theory.
According to the Epoch Times, Project Veritas published a video showing Google employees and internal docs alleging Google surreptitiously infuses its political worldview into its products.
In PV’s latest exposé, Google’s Head of ‘Responsible’ Innovation, Jen Gennai, who’s job it is to determine policy and ethics for machine learning (AI), is where viewers find that AI is what Google search is all about.
Since the revelation, Ms. Gennai has denied claims and Google has removed the hidden cam video from their YouTube property, as with similar expose’s by Project Veritas’.
Jen Gennai unknowingly spoke into a hidden camera essentially contending (in so many words) that Google is socially engineering society and ultimately controlling public consciousness, by adjusting the search algorithm so that a “Trump Situation never happens again”.
Regarding Trump: love him or hate him, shouldn’t a search engine be impartial? If the industry-leading search engine is indeed surreptitiously infusing its political worldview into its products, shouldn’t the idea that we’re essentially unable to make up our own minds raise concerns for us all?
Well, the sun-surfing, Democratic Presidential hopeful, seems to agree that some funny business is afoot with Google products, because reports are in that Tulsi Gabbard is suing Google, alleging the company unfairly suspended her campaign ads.
These aren’t Google’s first rodeos when it comes to controversy. In addition to the data privacy issues, they’re at risk of being broken up due to the adversities that accompany monopolies, which appears why Google’s enemies are gearing up to make an antitrust case against Google.
With the amount of data that is being collected from every individual through various channels and platforms, Google is in a position that allows for them to essentially control public consciousness, and the proof is in the pudding – they do.
Change Makers: to me this is all a pretty significant problem, and as the saying goes: “when there is blood on the streets, there is money to be made” (and this is where you come in). It’s time to capitalise on the problems they have caused, by thinking entrepreneurially of a solution to help alleviate them. Combine that with your passion, and you’ve got your self a real purpose.
Don’t get me wrong: as mentioned, I love the colourful side of Google and I have a number of awesome friends who take pride in the legit work that they do for the software company. The problem I see, as they typically do, seems to reside at the top.
In my professional opinion, Google (and all companies) have both an ethical and a moral duty to handle data with integrity.
Until they they can actually prove to do so, here’s what you can do in the mean time:
- Don’t rely solely on search engines – gather multiple points of data, connect your own dots, and make informed decisions by balancing your own logic with your own gut feeling. I always strongly recommend to my peers they do their own independent research, as sometimes a simple miscommunication from a second-hand source can lead an entire herd of sheep right into the slaughterhouse. (This writer has been at the pointy end of that mistake himself.)
- Don’t trust institutions blindly to have your best interest at heart. Their own interests will always come first because they need to justify their existence. Withholding information that could otherwise influence our decisions via data manipulation is an extreme abuse of power and they have catastrophic consequences.
- Identify and leverage the entrepreneurial opportunities that we have been caught in the crossfires of. Let’s be our own self-leaders! Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone but there are many of us who share the feeling that its where we’re meant to be to create positive change. The challenge is knowing what to do with that feeling. Encourage others to embrace entrepreneurship via their own passion, by aligning it with something the world needs, thus more than likely creating your true purpose in life. Corporate enslavement can become a thing of the past for those who found themselves in it.
- Understand that isn’t a hit-piece on all corporates; just more-so on unsavoury corporates. Individuals working within corporations can also discover their passion and learn to align it with a position within the corporation they work in. Intrapreneurship, which is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organisation, can have awesome advantages for innovative, change-making growth for all. This growth can help resolve real world problems, and provide true value to a Super-Society.
We have a choice ladies and gents: we can continue to allow un-checked corporations and their products to indoctrinate and contaminate society, or we can be our own self-leaders and our own self-thinkers. By doing the latter, we can create our own Super-Society by empowering our own entrepreneurial aspirations, like the winners we were born to be.
In Part 2, we’ll dive a little deeper into the impacts on mental health, where data is coming in to show us how limiting contact with the tech giants are playing a significant role in bettering mental health. Given that I’m an optimist, we’ll explore the alternative: self-thought, self-leadership and the potential and strong possibility of a Super-Society by activating more of our sleeping giants (our game-changing, purpose-driven entrepreneurs), and much much more.
Peter Luis Venero is the CEO of Creatiq and works with individuals in assisting them to discover their purpose and passion and to energetically align their business with the business owners mission and purpose.