Tech CEO Naomi Wolf of DailyClout has come forward with a fair warning to individuals about the \”Vaccine Passports\” being orchestrated by some assumed authority figures within governments of various countries, as well as amongst private organizations such as Qantas Airlines in Australia.
The information within the video is not meant to cause fear or panic within readers, but instead the purpose is to help enlighten and equip readers with logical information on forecasted scenarios based on actions, so that individuals can make more informed choices for themselves and their families.
It’s important to note that every individual has their own right over their own body and any actions require their consent.
There is a morass of assumed authority figures who are acting on assumed authority via implied consent instead of properly providing individuals with informed consent. While according to Common Law practitioners, this is a legal and very common practice, the damage it causes can easily be avoided simply by informing one\’s self of the difference between Informed Consent and Implied Consent. In other words, you actually need to say no, if you mean no.
It\’s also important to note that the elimination of cash and the instituting of electronic transfers and digital currencies only, are in full swing. Dictating digital currencies are elements that the “Vaccine Passports” can also dictate.
The wider population is getting a huge dose of hands-on medical and legal education in these times, it\’s time to stop delegating these duties to officials who like to think they know better about what’s right for you.
Be informed and make wise choices that are comfortable for you!
Why….people give away their unique authority?..
..” I’m tired of people who are always waiting for somebody else to be their authority. I’m tired of
communities, societies, civilisations that are determined that somebody else’s authority is better than
anyone else’s. And that everybody has to honour that. It’s obvious to me that each and every one of
us has a right to our own unique authority.”
..( Ra, HD)..
.(.beautiful woman in video..🌿)
I’m with you, Inese! I love your free thinking!