Researching The Technocracy

Here’s Why COVID Exists

If you’re wondering why a virus was unleashed onto the unsuspecting public; If you’re wondering why the heavy-handedness by alleged government; If you’re wondering why Australians are told not to speak to their neighbours; look no further than recent history: Remember in 2012 when the Vatican was caught receiving funds for trafficking via HSBC? Former […]

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Researching The Technocracy

Bottom Line: Compilation of Cases of Alleged Vaccine Being The Problem

Board-Certified Pathologist Presents Lab Study Dr. Ryan Cole Board-Certified Pathologist Confirms Drastic Reduction of T-Cells After Alleged Vaccination Funeral Director: The “Vaccine” IS the Variant Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on His Experience of COVID preparations prior to “Pandemic” announcement From The Horses Mouth: FDA Confirms That The Vaccines are Harmful Federal Employee

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The Purpose

Frankly, I’m a concerned person. I always have been. I’m one of those “weird” emapthic people. As early as I’ve known, I was always pouring from an empty cup into the cup of others. Eventually (much later), I got smarter. I filled my own cup, and although my cup could still use a bit more

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Researching The Technocracy

The Technocracy

It’s just two weeks It’s just a mask It’s just 6 feet It’s just your job It’s just the adults It’s just indoor activities It’s just the schools It’s just a jab It’s just ignoring your neighbours It’s just a 2nd jab It’s just another 8 weeks It’s just a passport It’s just the parks

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The B Word

A lawyer here in Australia who’s license was revoked by a corrupted legal body in the State of Victoria, because she’s been blowing the whistle, is calling the alleged vaccines “bioweapons”. I don’t think she’d use that term lightly. She shares a peer reviewed study: Further reading:

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The C Word

The missing link between ancient Egypt, Chinas roots, and those pesky Rothschilds.   Remember the FOIA requests? Look what’s up next: FOIA Release: Fauci Funded Construction Of ‘Chimeric Coronaviruses’ In Wuhan Australia is starting to look a lot like a CCP cesspool. Vietnamese refugees packed themselves tightly into tiny boats in their escape from an

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Help Me Understand

How are there alleged vaccines released to the public that are wreaking havoc on bodies:   Peer confirmations on above:   …for an alleged virus that there has yet to be isolated according to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests:   Hypothesis: The only thing that is making sense to me at this stage,

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