Welcome To The New Paradigm

Just this August, 4.3 MILLION people across the United States left their jobs in that one month alone.
The events triggered in 2020 have awakend individuals to assess how they value their time and priorities. The exodus being called \’The Great Resignation\’ shows us that the old ways of doing business are no longer tolerated.
Most corporations (but not all😉 ) have for so long put profit first and people last, even though its their people that build the company. The parasitic nature of the old ways sucked the life out of their staff (corporations = corps/death) for a return that kept them just alive enough, but rarely thriving.
New paradigm companies are the way future. They will be about putting people first who create the value to exchange, because revenue is a reflection of the value that has been created to be exchanged.
The one\’s who are self-actualised and empowered with their sense of value and purpose will be at the forefront of the new paradigm companies.
Welcome to the new paradigm. Have a great weekend!❤️

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